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This method returns complete information about ads. Results can be filtered by using query parameters.

Request Cost: 100 units, Result Cost: 5 units/result (Any destinationURLs in the response will cost: 1 unit/URL)

URL Format{api-key}/adMetrics{api-key}/adMetrics/{adHash}


Parameter Name Meaning Default Value Notes
adHash ad hash filter (no filtering) Uniquely identifies ad. You may use a single value, or a comma-separated list of values.
countryId country filter (no filtering) e.g. us (See countries)
platformId platform filter (no filtering) e.g. desktop (See platforms) To specify multiple values, separate them by commas (e.g. iPhone,iPad) Currently only desktop is supported for a non-us countryId. Use &platformId=mobile to specify all mobile devices (i.e. android, iphone, ipad, androidtablet)
advertiserId advertiser filter (no filtering) Restrict search to one or more advertisers. Must use advertiser’s domain name. To specify multiple values, separate them by commas (e.g., Note: &advertiserId=all is not supported by /adMetrics.
publisherId publisher filter (no filtering) Restrict search to just one publisher. Must use publisher's (or channel's) domain name. Use all to return aggregated results across all publishers.
publisherPld publisher PLD filter (no filtering) Restrict search to just one publisher "paid-level domain" (i.e., return hits matching this publisher and all of its channels). Must use publisher's (or channel's) domain name.
isChannel channel vs. publisher filter (no filtering) Restrict search to either channels true or publishers (any other value).
networkId network filter (no filtering) Restrict search to one or more networks. (See networks). To specify multiple values, separate them by commas (e.g. adblade,google). Use all to return aggregated results across all networks.
campaignId campaign filter (no filtering) Filters results to a specific campaign.
firstSeen first seen filter (no filtering) Restrict search to ads that were first seen on the specified date or within the specified date range. Maximum date range span is 8 days. (See date and date range format)
adTypeId ad type filter (no filtering) e.g. image (See adTypes) This parameter also supports comma separated combinations.
adSizeId ad size filter (no filtering) e.g. 728x60 (See adSizes)
sortBy sorting field adMetric &sortBy=adMetric returns results for the past 730 days.  Other options: firstSeen, lastSeen, daysSeen
sortOrder sorting order desc Other options: asc
adMetricId Format for admetric data adImpact Other options: adImpact, adSpend
numAdMetricDays Number of daily ad metrics to return 0 Includes this many days up to and including the the latest data. Maximum 730.
maxDestinationUrls Maximum number of destination URLs to return 0 Return up to this many destination URLs for each hit. Maximum 20.
Note: Each destinationURL returned will cost 1 API unit.
facetField field(s) to generate facet counts for (no facet counts) Options: adTypeId, adSizeId, advertiserId, countryId, platformId, networkId, publisherId, or any comma-separated combination of these values. Generates a facet list for each specified field (see below).
rows Number of results to return 10 Maximum 1000. (Maximum sum of &start + &rows is 2000)
start Index of first result to return 0 Use start=N (where N > 0) to page through results by making repeated requests. (Maximum sum of &start + &rows is 2000)
fields fields filter (no filtering) Restrict which fields get returned. e.g. &fields=advertiserId would return just one of the available fields. &fields=advertiserId,publisherId would return just two of the available fields.

Return Fields

Note: The following fields are returned except for certain query parameter filters. (See Response Format)
Field Name Example Notes
countryId us See countries
platformId desktop See platforms
advertiserId Advertiser domain name
adHash 0a068929819131327e50e05098787e3f Uniquely identifies ad
networkId google See networks
    "campaignName": "Comcast Time Warner Cable Transaction Information",
    "campaignId": "3080fb6d"
Any ad campaign(s) this ad is a member of.
publisherId Publisher domain name. (See Historical Data for how we handle older data)
publisherPld Publisher domain name. "Paid-level domain" of this channel. Only present if isChannel is also true.
hasChannels true Contains true if hit is a publisher that has has been divided into channels.
isChannel true Contains true if hit is for a channel within a publisher.
isSuperChannel true Contains true if hit is for a "super channel" within a publisher having so many subdomains that each super channel refers to a portion of these subdomains. Only present if isChannel is also true.
firstSeen 2012-12-05 Date on which ad was first published (over the past two years). Only present when &firstSeen is a date range. (See Response Format)
lastSeen 2012-12-10 Date on which ad was most recently published
daysSeen 3 Number of days on which the ad was seen over the past two years
displayUrl URL displayed within an ad. Only present for ads where adTypeId is either text or textimg.
headerText Atlanta: Mom 57, Looks 25 First line of ad's creative text. Only present for ads where adTypeId is either text or textimg.
bodyText Read How a Georgia Mom Published a Free Facelift Secret That Has Angered Doctors... Remainder of ad's creative text. Only present for ads where adTypeId is either text or textimg and the ad is more than a single line of text.
imageWidth 300 Not present for ads where adTypeId is text
imageHeight 250 Not present for ads where adTypeId is text
adSizeId 300x250 See adSizes
adTypeId image See adTypes
imageUrl The URL for the image of the ad. Not present for ads where adTypeId is text
flashUrl The URL for flash animation of the ad. Only present for ads where adTypeId is flash
videoUrl Only present for ads where adTypeId is video
noFlashPreview true Only present (and true) if imageUrl contains a placeholder image because no true static preview image is available for this flash ad. In this case, imageWidth and imageHeight will contain the dimensions of the placeholder image, whereas adSizeId will contain the dimensions of the flash ad itself.
flashVars clickTAG=http%3A// Only present for ads where adTypeId is flash. See Adobe Flash Documentation
    "30": 504512,
    "90": 529024,
    "180": 529024,
    "365": 529024,
    "730": 529024
Ad impact totals for the most recent 30,90,180,365 and 730 days. Only present for &adMetricId=adImpact.
    "30": 12613,
    "90": 13226,
    "180": 13226,
    "365": 13226,
    "730": 13226
Ad spend totals (in US dollars) for the most recent 30,90,180,365 and 730 days. Only present for &adMetricId=adSpend.
    "firstDate": "2012-12-01",
    "adImpacts": [
Ad impact totals for each day up to and including the latest data. Only present for &adMetricId=adImpact and when &numAdMetricDays is also provided.
    "firstDate": "2012-12-01",
    "adSpends": [
Ad spend totals (in US dollars) for each day up to and including the latest data. Only present for &adMetricId=adSpend and when &numAdMetricDays is also provided.
    "30": -75,
    "90": 150
See adTrends Values
    "url": "",
    "adImpact": 529024
}, {
    "url": "",
    "adImpact": 504512
Each URL is returned with its ad impact/spend totals for the date range matching &sortBy (default 730 days). Only present for &maxDestinationUrls > 0 and &publisherId=all. If &adMetricId=adSpend, then the adImpact field will be replaced with adSpend.
Note: Each destinationURL returned will cost 1 API unit.
    "advertiserId": [{
        "": 30000,
        "": 20000,
        "": 10000
    "networkId": [{
        "google": 50000,
        "direct": 10000
Facet counts for each field appearing in &facetField. Results for each field are ordered by count, from high to low. For advertiserId and publisherId the max count is limited to 200, others are unlimited.
apiUnits 150 The number of API units consumed by this request.

Usage Example(s)

To get a list of ads (sorted by "ad impact") do this:{api-key}/adMetrics

JSON Response

    "statusCode": 200,
    "numHits": 235994515,
    "hits": [{
        "countryId": "us",
        "imageHeight": 250,
        "lastSeen": "2014-12-29",
        "publisherId": "",
        "imageUrl": "",
        "networkId": "direct",
        "hasChannels": false,
        "daysSeen": 56,
        "platformId": "desktop",
        "adTypeId": "image",
        "adTrends": {
            "30": 0,
            "90": 0
        "adHash": "37852fbe321f952b6eabc524697eacdf",
        "adImpacts": {
            "365": 0,
            "180": 0,
            "30": 0,
            "90": 0,
            "730": 387905536
        "isChannel": false,
        "adSizeId": "300x250",
        "imageWidth": 300,
        "advertiserId": "",
        "firstSeen": "2014-10-19"
    }, {
        "countryId": "us",
        "imageHeight": 66,
        "lastSeen": "2014-12-31",
        "publisherId": "",
        "imageUrl": "",
        "networkId": "direct",
        "hasChannels": false,
        "daysSeen": 116,
        "platformId": "desktop",
        "adTypeId": "image",
        "adTrends": {
            "30": 0,
            "90": 0
        "adHash": "f1c0165044564e43df634f586c45c79c",
        "adImpacts": {
            "365": 0,
            "180": 0,
            "30": 0,
            "90": 0,
            "730": 267220992
        "isChannel": false,
        "adSizeId": "other",
        "imageWidth": 970,
        "advertiserId": "",
        "firstSeen": "2014-09-01"
    }, {
        "countryId": "us",
        "imageHeight": 250,
        "lastSeen": "2014-12-26",
        "flashVars": "moviePath=",
        "publisherId": "",
        "imageUrl": "",
        "networkId": "direct",
        "hasChannels": false,
        "daysSeen": 45,
        "platformId": "desktop",
        "adTypeId": "flash",
        "adTrends": {
            "30": 0,
            "90": 0
        "adHash": "03ed295f798dbf0919f9c32e6a63d82a",
        "adImpacts": {
            "365": 0,
            "180": 0,
            "30": 0,
            "90": 0,
            "730": 234780672
        "isChannel": false,
        "adSizeId": "300x250",
        "imageWidth": 300,
        "flashUrl": "",
        "advertiserId": "",
        "firstSeen": "2014-10-31"
    }, {
        "countryId": "us",
        "imageHeight": 250,
        "lastSeen": "2014-10-15",
        "publisherId": "",
        "imageUrl": "",
        "networkId": "direct",
        "hasChannels": false,
        "daysSeen": 34,
        "platformId": "desktop",
        "adTypeId": "image",
        "adTrends": {
            "30": 0,
            "90": 0
        "adHash": "4e6f305edbfd0a0a4cd1036f02d4d355",
        "adImpacts": {
            "365": 0,
            "180": 0,
            "30": 0,
            "90": 0,
            "730": 220297216
        "isChannel": false,
        "adSizeId": "300x250",
        "imageWidth": 300,
        "advertiserId": "",
        "firstSeen": "2014-09-08"
    }, {
        "countryId": "cn",
        "imageHeight": 600,
        "lastSeen": "2016-04-30",
        "publisherId": "",
        "imageUrl": "",
        "networkId": "unclassified",
        "hasChannels": false,
        "daysSeen": 11,
        "platformId": "desktop",
        "adTypeId": "image",
        "adTrends": {
            "30": 0,
            "90": 0
        "adHash": "0c800339363f8dd220d5c910c0835732",
        "adImpacts": {
            "365": 197097472,
            "180": 197097472,
            "30": 0,
            "90": 0,
            "730": 197097472
        "isChannel": false,
        "adSizeId": "300x600",
        "imageWidth": 300,
        "advertiserId": "",
        "firstSeen": "2016-03-23"
    }, {
        "countryId": "gb",
        "imageHeight": 250,
        "lastSeen": "2015-11-14",
        "publisherId": "",
        "imageUrl": "",
        "networkId": "direct",
        "hasChannels": false,
        "daysSeen": 32,
        "platformId": "desktop",
        "adTypeId": "image",
        "adTrends": {
            "30": 0,
            "90": 0
        "adHash": "16ea8b20efb877b4a779bda1d7fc4f7f",
        "adImpacts": {
            "365": 191723520,
            "180": 0,
            "30": 0,
            "90": 0,
            "730": 191723520
        "isChannel": false,
        "adSizeId": "300x250",
        "imageWidth": 300,
        "advertiserId": "",
        "firstSeen": "2015-10-06"
    }, {
        "countryId": "us",
        "imageHeight": 600,
        "lastSeen": "2014-11-26",
        "flashVars": "moviePath=",
        "publisherId": "",
        "imageUrl": "",
        "networkId": "direct",
        "hasChannels": true,
        "daysSeen": 50,
        "platformId": "desktop",
        "adTypeId": "flash",
        "adTrends": {
            "30": 0,
            "90": 0
        "adHash": "e918a6b13eab4f11bda1bde962c5e81f",
        "adImpacts": {
            "365": 0,
            "180": 0,
            "30": 0,
            "90": 0,
            "730": 188905472
        "isChannel": false,
        "adSizeId": "160x600",
        "imageWidth": 160,
        "flashUrl": "",
        "advertiserId": "",
        "firstSeen": "2014-08-29"
    }, {
        "countryId": "us",
        "imageHeight": 250,
        "lastSeen": "2016-06-07",
        "publisherId": "",
        "imageUrl": "",
        "networkId": "direct",
        "campaigns": [{
            "campaignName": "Sign up for Prime Video",
            "campaignId": "285621"
        }, {
            "campaignName": "Prime Instant Video",
            "campaignId": "86c53b"
        "hasChannels": false,
        "daysSeen": 158,
        "platformId": "desktop",
        "adTypeId": "image",
        "adTrends": {
            "30": 0,
            "90": -100
        "adHash": "ed19724d09c6ca99ca12510aebe88c03",
        "adImpacts": {
            "365": 173963264,
            "180": 101857280,
            "30": 0,
            "90": 13488128,
            "730": 173963264
        "isChannel": false,
        "adSizeId": "300x250",
        "imageWidth": 300,
        "advertiserId": "",
        "firstSeen": "2015-12-22"
    }, {
        "countryId": "us",
        "imageHeight": 600,
        "lastSeen": "2015-04-26",
        "flashVars": "moviePath=",
        "publisherId": "",
        "imageUrl": "",
        "networkId": "direct",
        "hasChannels": false,
        "daysSeen": 110,
        "platformId": "desktop",
        "adTypeId": "flash",
        "adTrends": {
            "30": 0,
            "90": 0
        "adHash": "9c2e6a82899bee5b4e340b5626d6f800",
        "adImpacts": {
            "365": 0,
            "180": 0,
            "30": 0,
            "90": 0,
            "730": 152926208
        "isChannel": false,
        "adSizeId": "300x600",
        "imageWidth": 300,
        "flashUrl": "",
        "advertiserId": "",
        "firstSeen": "2014-10-20"
    }, {
        "countryId": "us",
        "imageHeight": 250,
        "lastSeen": "2014-12-25",
        "flashVars": "moviePath=",
        "publisherId": "",
        "imageUrl": "",
        "networkId": "direct",
        "hasChannels": false,
        "daysSeen": 42,
        "platformId": "desktop",
        "adTypeId": "flash",
        "adTrends": {
            "30": 0,
            "90": 0
        "adHash": "481cfba781dfad5db97710747191ea4e",
        "adImpacts": {
            "365": 0,
            "180": 0,
            "30": 0,
            "90": 0,
            "730": 143292416
        "isChannel": false,
        "adSizeId": "300x250",
        "imageWidth": 300,
        "flashUrl": "",
        "advertiserId": "",
        "firstSeen": "2014-10-31"
    "apiUnits": 150,
    "statusMsg": "successful adMetrics request",
    "requestParameters": {},
    "handler": "adMetrics"

You can also get metrics for a specific ad by passing the {adHash} like this:{api-key}/adMetrics/ed19724d09c6ca99ca12510aebe88c03

JSON Response

    "statusCode": 200,
    "numHits": 6,
    "hits": [{
        "countryId": "us",
        "imageHeight": 250,
        "lastSeen": "2016-06-07",
        "publisherId": "",
        "imageUrl": "",
        "networkId": "direct",
        "campaigns": [{
            "campaignName": "Sign up for Prime Video",
            "campaignId": "285621"
        }, {
            "campaignName": "Prime Instant Video",
            "campaignId": "86c53b"
        "hasChannels": false,
        "daysSeen": 158,
        "platformId": "desktop",
        "adTypeId": "image",
        "adTrends": {
            "30": 0,
            "90": -100
        "adImpacts": {
            "365": 173963264,
            "180": 101857280,
            "30": 0,
            "90": 13488128,
            "730": 173963264
        "isChannel": false,
        "adSizeId": "300x250",
        "imageWidth": 300,
        "advertiserId": "",
        "firstSeen": "2015-12-22"
    }, {
        "countryId": "us",
        "imageHeight": 250,
        "lastSeen": "2016-06-07",
        "publisherId": "",
        "imageUrl": "",
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        "campaigns": [{
            "campaignName": "Sign up for Prime Video",
            "campaignId": "285621"
        }, {
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        "hasChannels": false,
        "daysSeen": 9,
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            "30": 0,
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            "180": 30304256,
            "30": 0,
            "90": 30304256,
            "730": 30304256
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        "imageWidth": 300,
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        "firstSeen": "2016-05-18"
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        "lastSeen": "2015-12-21",
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            "campaignName": "Sign up for Prime Video",
            "campaignId": "285621"
        }, {
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        "isChannel": false,
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        "campaigns": [{
            "campaignName": "Sign up for Prime Video",
            "campaignId": "285621"
        }, {
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            "campaignId": "86c53b"
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        "daysSeen": 11,
        "platformId": "desktop",
        "adTypeId": "image",
        "adTrends": {
            "30": 0,
            "90": -100
        "adImpacts": {
            "365": 3937,
            "180": 3937,
            "30": 0,
            "90": 3937,
            "730": 3937
        "isChannel": false,
        "adSizeId": "300x250",
        "imageWidth": 300,
        "advertiserId": "",
        "firstSeen": "2016-05-24"
    "apiUnits": 130,
    "statusMsg": "successful adMetrics/ed19724d09c6ca99ca12510aebe88c03 request",
    "requestParameters": {
        "advertiserId": "ed19724d09c6ca99ca12510aebe88c03"
    "handler": "adMetrics"