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Historical Data

Depending on your query parameters and the date range you request, sometimes Adbeat will return data that's pretty old. While the data itself can be valuable, if you intend to feed that data back into the API for further analysis there are some things you need to keep in mind.

Publisher Data

To give the most precise data possible, Adbeat periodically re-evaluates top publishers based on changing traffic patterns. As newer publishers gain traffic and audience, they may be moved into our "active" publisher set. As other publishers lose audience, they may be removed from our active set.

If you try and retrieve data in a large date range, certain methods such as adMetrics and advertiserMetrics may return "older" publisherIds for publishers that are no longer in our "active set".

If you do encounter some of these older publisherIds and use them in a query to the publisherInfo or publishers method you would get back an incomplete result. That's because these publishers are not in our active set.

This scenario doesn't affect many API users, but we felt it was important to document it here in case you run into it.